


Alex Hansen portrett

Department of Physics of Norwegian University of

Science and Technology

Statistical mechanics of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media

The central problem in the physics of multiphase flow in porous media is to find a proper description of the flow at scales large enough so that the medium may be regarded as a continuum: the scale-up problem. It is the same kind of problem as finding a proper description of fluids at the continuum level when we know that they consist of molecules; a problem that in this case was solved almost two hundred years ago with the introduction of the Navier-Stokes equation. So far, the only workable approach to the multiphase flow scale-up problem has been a set of phenomenological equations that have obvious weaknesses. Attempts at going beyond this relative permeability theory have so far never led to practical applications due to exploding complexity. Edwin T. Jaynes proposed in the fifties a generalization of statistical mechanics to non-thermal systems based on the information theoretical entropy of Shannon. We have used this approach to construct a description of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media at the continuum scales, which is directly related to the physics at the pore scale, and with a level of complexity that is manageable [1-7]. The approach leads to a thermodynamics-like formalism at the continuum scale with all the relations between variables that normal" thermodynamics has to offer.
Keywords: Porous media, flow in porous media, permeability, capillarity

[1] A. Hansen, S. Sinha, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup, M. Aa. Gjennestad and M. Vassvik, Relations between seepage velocities in two-phase flow in homogeneous porous media, Transp. Porous Med. 125, 565 (2018); doi:10.1007/s11242-018-1139-6.
[2] S. Roy, S. Sinha, and A. Hansen, Flow-area relations in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media, Front. Phys. 8, 4 (2020); doi:10.3389/fphy.2020.00004.
[3] S. Roy, H. Pedersen, S. Sinha, and A. Hansen, The co-moving velocity in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media, Transp. in Porous Media, 143, 69 (2022); doi:10.1007/s11242-022-01783-7.
[4] A. Hansen, E. G. Flekkøy, S. Sinha, and P. A. Slotte, A statistical mechanics for immiscible and incompressible two-phase flow in porous media, Adv. Water Res., 171, 104336 (2023); doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2022.104336.
[5] H. Pedersen and A. Hansen, Parametrizations of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media, arXiv:2212.07285; doi:10.48550/arXiv.2212.07285.
[6] J. Feder, E. G. Flekkøy, and A. Hansen, Physics of Flow in Porous Media, (Cambridge University Press, 
Cambridge, 2022).
[7] F. Alzubaidi, J. E. McClure, H. Pedersen, A. Hansen, C. F. Berg, P. Mostaghimi and R. T. Armstrong, The impact of wettability on the co-moving velocity of two-fluid flow in porous media, arXiv:2309.0036.





Department of Chemical Engineering,

University of California, Santa Barbara


Co-assembly of functionally-active membrane proteins in mesostructured silica


The physicochemical properties of membrane proteins, such as for selective catalysis, biosensing, or ion transport, are highly desirable for technological applications, although they are exceedingly challenging to harness in synthetic abiotic host materials. This is due, in part, to the challenges of incorporating relatively fragile protein molecules at sufficient concentrations in robust host environments in which the functionalities of the membrane proteins are retained. Nevertheless, judicious selections of self-assembling surfactants, solvent, silica precursors, and synthesis conditions enable high concentrations of functionally active membrane proteins to be stabilized in solution and in robust mesostructured inorganic-surfactant host matrices. Specifically, light-activated proteorhodopsin (PR), a transmembrane protein that pumps H+ ions in green light, has been incorporated at high loadings (>30 wt%) into transparent silica-surfactant films with high extents of mesostructural order. Small-angle X-ray scattering, solid-state NMR, and cryo-EM analyses yield detailed insights on the extent of mesoscale order and the nanoscale interactions of the protein, surfactant, and silica species in the materials.
The results point to the complicated and closely coupled relationships among the compositions, structures, and dynamics of proteorhodopsin in the mesostructured composite films. This is especially the case for the complicated influences that the stabilizing and structure-directing surfactants have on the function of PR and the formation of robust ordered host matrices. For example, the inclusion of certain phospholipids interestingly leads to improved mesostructural order, as well as enabling the pKa value of a key ion-channel residue to be tuned to extend the pH range over which proteorhodopsin molecules function. Transient UV−visible spectroscopy analyses furthermore show that the proteorhodopsin molecules in mesostructured silica-surfactant films exhibit native-like dynamics, as well as enhanced stability compared to surfactant or lipid environments. The results correlate the nano-scale compositions, structures and conformational dynamics of the proteorhodopsin molecules and surfactant-silica host materials with their macroscopic properties, leading to the establishment of key biomimetic design criteria. The light absorbance properties and light-activated conformational changes of the proteorhodopsin guest molecules in mesostructured silica films are consistent with those associated with the native H+- pumping mechanism of these biomolecules, which have potential applications for solar-to-electrochemical energy conversion.


M.W. Berkow, et al., Co-assembly of functionally-active proteorhodopsin membrane protein molecules in mesostructured silica-surfactant films, Chem. Mater., 35, 8502–8516 (2023).
C.-T. Han, et al., Lipid membrane mimetics and oligomerization tune functional properties of proteorhodopsin, Biophys. J., 122, 1–12 (2023).
J.P. Jahnke, et al., Functionally active proteorhodopsin membrane proteins incorporated in mesostructured silica films, J. Am. Chem.Soc., 140, 3892–3906 (2018).
J.P. Jahnke, et al., Mesostructured Materials with Controllable Long-Range Orientational Ordering and Anisotropic Properties, Adv. Mater., 2306800 (2023).




dirk aarts1

Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford

g(r) -> u(r) -> mu
Pressure, temperature, and chemical potential, play key roles in thermodynamics, and can be measured by a manometer, a thermometer, and a….  Here, we show how the chemical potential can be measured in (dense) colloidal systems. To this end, we use a repulsive optical landscape to create a local, low-density region where insertion is possible, allowing measurement of the chemical potential across the fluid-solid transition in colloidal hard disks.
Importantly, the pair potential between the colloidal particles need to be determined separately and we will demonstrate how this can be done via a test-particle approach to measure the pair distribution function. We will also show how this approach can be extended to higher body distribution functions, and therefore higher body interaction terms.
The method may be straightforwardly extended to systems with multiple components and more complex interactions, and illustrates the promise of optical manipulation in thermodynamic studies of colloidal materials.




Sandra E. Rodil

Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, IIM (Materials Research Institute)

Physics and IFIMAC, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



The versatility of Physical Vapor Deposition Techniques to obtain novel materials or out-of-equilibrium crystallographic phases


Currently, thin film deposition techniques such as physical vapor deposition are widely used at an industrial level because they allow the modification of surfaces to provide new functionalities to solid materials. However, at the research level, they offer a wide range of possibilities for generating materials under non-equilibrium thermodynamic conditions, enabling the synthesis of alloys with compositions beyond solubility limits, metastable crystalline phases, highly doped semiconductors, high-entropy or multi-elemental alloys (including nitrides or oxides), etc. Quasi-diamond-like carbon or DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) has been one of the great revelations in materials developed in thin films, with a wide range of current applications.
This discussion briefly overviews examples of non-thermodynamic stable materials developed by the PVD techniques, including cathodic arc, pulse laser ablation, or magnetron sputtering. Topics include the high-sp 3 bonded DLC films 1 and bismuth oxide films in the cubic phase 2,3,4 that is thermodynamically stable only at temperatures above 700 °C but can be synthesized as a thin film with properties of great technological interest. Another topic includes forming high-entropy metal nitrides 5 for mechanical-tribological applications.


1. A. C. Ferrari, A. Libassi, B. K. Tañer, V. Stolojan, L. M. Brown, S. E. Rodil, B. Kleinsorge and J. Robertson. Physics Review B 62, 11089-11103 (2000).
2. Celia L Gomez, Osmary Depablos-Rivera, Juan C Medina, Phaedra Silva-Bermudez, Stephen Muhl, Andreas Zeinert, Sandra E Rodil, Solid State Ionics 255, 147-152 (2014).
3. O. Depablos-Rivera, A. Martínez, S. E. Rodil, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 853, 157245 (2021).
4. SE Rodil, O Depablos-Rivera, JC Sánchez-López, Lubricants 11(5), 207 (2023)
5. Uriel Jirón-Lazos, Sandra E Rodil, Dalia Alejandra Mazón-Montijo, José Raúl Pérez-Higareda, David Torres-Torres, Andrés Manuel Garay-Tapia, Zeuz Montiel-González, Journal of Materials Science 58 (28), 11771-11787 (2023).




Parisi giorgio


 Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma 

Special online talk

(the organizing committee recognizes Monica

Ledesma's efforts to make this possible) 



Emergent collective behaviour and complexity


I will discuss the general problem of studying the emergent collective behavior of an assembly of a large number of agents in the framework of statistical mechanics showing a few examples. I will discuss how complexity emerges in that framework.

I will present my viewpoints on complexity stressing the importance of multiple equilibria; I will then recall the genesis of the concept of multiple equilibria in natural sciences.
Finally, I will describe my contribution to the development of this concept in the framework of statistical mechanics and I will briefly mention the cornucopia of applications of these ideas both in physics and in other disciplines





Randall kamien

Department of Physics and Astronomy of

University of Pennsylvania

Topological Origin of the Peierls Barrrier
Crystals and other condensed matter systems described by density waves often exhibit dislocations. Here we show, by considering the topology of the ground state manifolds (GSMs) of such systems, that dislocations in the density phase field always split into disclinations, and that the disclinations themselves are constrained to sit at particular points in the GSM. Consequently, the topology of the GSM forbids zero-energy dislocation glide, giving rise to a Peierls-Nabarro barrier.





Department of Physics, University of Oxford



Biological shapes emerging from physics at the nanoscale


Biological shape is central to many scientific and technological problems. Currently, the properties of complex, adaptive biological shapes and structures are studied diverse fields of biology, medicine, engineering, materials, computer science and biological physics. The shapes of biological tissues emerge from a complex interplay of physics, chemistry and genetics (evolution) that creates structures able to adapt to their environments and allow organisms to survive and process information across temporal and special scales. Shape and mechanical stability of living organisms rely on precise control in time and space of growth, which is achieved by dynamically tuning the mechanical properties of their hierarchically built structures from the nanometer up.

In my lab we use one of the main tools of nanotechnology, the atomic force microscope (AFM) to extract the physics underlying the emergence of biological shapes from the nanoscale. It is now well-established that cellular behaviour (including e.g. stem cell differentiation) crucially depends on the mechanical properties of the cells’ environment. Much attention has been directed towards the importance of the stiffness of the natural or artificial matrices where cells grow, with the purpose of either understanding mechanotransduction, or controlling the behaviour of cells in medical applications such as tissue engineering. While stiffness has been the focus of most experimental research, neither cells nor matrices are elastic. Biological systems dissipate energy (i.e. they are viscous), present different time responses at different spatial scales that characterise their responses to external stimuli. Measuring viscoelasticity at the nanoscale has remained experimentally challenging [1,2]. In my talk I will present AFM-based techniques to measure and map the viscoelasticity of living tissues, cells, membranes, collagen, extracellular matrices, and tissue engineering matrices across the spatial and temporal scales, and chirp-based spectroscopic techniques to assess viscoelasticity from Hz to 100s kHz at the nano and micro scale developed in my lab [3]. Our results have uncovered that extracellular matrices of both living plants and tumours present an almost perfect linear viscoelastic behaviour that is key to understand their growth and shape. I will present our work showing how the growth and shape of the roots, leaves and hypocotyl of living Arabidopsis thaliana living plants are related to the nanoscale viscoelasticity of plant cell walls [4] at the time scales probed by multifrequency AFM and how this can be understood using concepts and theories from non-equilibrium thermodynamics. I will also show how this knowledge can be used to create “smart” bioinspired materials, which progressively will harness biological properties, such as adaptation, and eventually learning [5].



[1] “Multifrequency AFM reveals lipid membrane mechanical properties and the effect of cholesterol in modulating viscoelasticity” 2019. Z Al-Rekabi, S Contera; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (11), 2658-2663.

[2] “Mapping nanomechanical properties of live cells using multi-harmonic atomic force microscopy”2011 A Raman, S Trigueros, A Cartagena, APZ Stevenson, M Susilo, E Nauman, S Contera. Nature Nanotechnology 6 (12), 809.

[3] “Nanoscale rheology: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis over a broad and continuous frequency range using Photothermal Actuation Atomic Force Microscopy”. Alba Rosa Piacenti, Casey Adam, Nicholas Hawkins, Ryan Wagner, Jacob Seifert, Yukinori Taniguchi, Roger Proksch, Sonia Contera . ACS Macrocomolecules, in press, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.3c02052

[4] “Mapping cellular nanoscale viscoelasticity and relaxation times relevant to growth of living Arabidopsis thaliana plants using multifrequency AFM” J Seifert, C Kirchhelle, I Moore, S Contera. Acta Biomaterialia, 2021;121:371-382.

[5] “Nano comes to life: How nanotechnology is transforming medicine and the future of biology” Sonia Contera, Princeton University Press 2019.




Trifce Sandev trifce Sandev


 Research Center for Computer Science and

Information Technologies,

Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 


Diffusion and random search in heterogeneous media under stochastic resetting
The theoretical investigation of anomalous dynamics in complex heterogeneous systems is of interest for years. Modeling of random walks and stochastic processes in such complex systems requires interdisciplinary approach due to the different applications in various fields. Various studies of active and passive tracer diffusion in biological cells and in heterogeneous and porous media showed that the underlying structure of the environment has a strong effect on the particle movement, leading to anomalous dynamics due to the constrained particle motion or due to the variation of the local diffusion coefficient and the potential energy function. Moreover, to determine the optimal search strategies in heterogeneous media is central in diverse fields. In particular, random search strategies have been widely observed for animal foraging, in reaction pathway in DNA-binding proteins, in the intracellular transport, etc. Furthermore, it has been shown that the resetting of the searcher to its initial position can improve the search strategy by appropriate optimal resetting rate which results in minimizing the mean first passage time. Such random processes with resetting can be experimentally realized by using holographic optical tweezers or laser traps, and can be also observed in economic models of income dynamics.
Keywords: Heterogeneous diffusion, anomalous diffusion, random search, stochastic resetting
[1] A. Pal, V. Stojkoski, and T. Sandev, Random resetting in search problems, to appear in the book “The Target Problem” (Springer Nature, 2024).
[2] P. Jolakoski, A. Pal, T. Sandev, L. Kocarev, R. Metzler, and V. Stojkoski, Chaos Solitons & Fractals 175, 113921 (2023).
[3] P. Trajanovski, P. Jolakoski, K. Zelenkovski, A. Iomin, L. Kocarev, and T. Sandev, Phys. Rev. E 107, 054129 (2023).
[4] T. Sandev, L. Kocarev, R. Metzler, and A. Chechkin, Chaos Solitons & Fractals 156, 112878 (2022).
[5] V. Stojkoski, P. Jolakoski, A. Pal, T. Sandev, L. Kocarev, and R. Metzler, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. A 380, 20210157 (2022).
[6] T. Sandev, V. Domazetoski, L. Kocarev, R. Metzler, and A. Chechkin, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 074003 (2022).
[7] T. Sandev, A. Iomin, and L. Kocarev, Phys. Rev. E 102, 042109 (2020).
[8] V. Domazetoski, A. Masó-Puigdellosas, T. Sandev, V. Méndez, A. Iomin, and L. Kocarev, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033027 (2020).


