
The LII Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics will be held at Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades "Alfonso Vélez Pliego" (ICSyH): Casa del Libro “Gilberto Bosques Saldívar”, Puebla, Mexico from January 10-13, 2024.


Google Maps ICSyH

Location plan Registry (second floor Casa del Libro Gilberto Bosques Saldivar/Ex-Convento de las Clarisas)

Special thanks to Mónica Ledesma, Jose Luis Carrillo and Giuseppe Lo Brutto for making it possible to have the venue at the ICSyH at no cost. Reducing the cost of the meeting.

Puebla city is the fourth largest city in Mexico, after Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara. It is located in the southern part of Central Mexico, about 100 km (62 mi) east southeast of Mexico City.

Puebla has an international airport (code PBC), but most travelers fly into Mexico City because it has more flights. From the Benito Juárez airport in Mexico City, you can take an express bus directly to Puebla. Buses leave every half-hour and cost 180 pesos. They will arrive at the main bus station (CAPU).

Invited speakers will be lodged at Hotel San Pedro https://www.hotelsanpedro.mx/ Adress: 2 Oriente 202 Colonia CentroBut you are free to plan your lodging at your convenience.

Some hotels close to the ICSyH:

1) Hotel Señorial (Cost per night from $685 MXN)
2) Hotel Barroco 
3) Hotel Helena ($750 MXN)
4) Hotel Colonial ($1010 MXN)

Information about activities in Puebla:




https://visita.pueblacapital.gob.mx/ (spanish only)






